Big Valley, which is located in the heart of Central Pennsylvania, is a beautiful place filled with history. It’s an area known for an Amish community and that you may know, but did you know it is the third oldest Amish community? It was founded in 1791.

The valley lies between Stone Mountain ridge to the north and Jacks Mountain ridge to the south.  The main road that passes though Big Valley is Pennsylvania Rt 655. There are two roads that are confusing to folks that are not native to the valley. Those roads would be Back Mountain Road and Front Mountain Road. They basically run parallel to Rt. 655. Front Mountain Road runs  on the Southern side of the valley and Back Mountain runs on the Northern side. So, an easy way to remember, if you are on rt. 655 and  your back is toward State College, you’re facing Front Mountain Road and your Back is toward Back Mountain road. In and around those three roads are many backroads, side roads and all sorts of discoveries.

John A. Hostetler, a renowned scholar of the Amish, says Big Valley has  “one of the most diverse expressions of Anabaptist-Mennonite culture anywhere in North America”. It is also said there are three Amish communities that call Big Valley their home. The Nebraska Amish, The Byler Amish group and the Renno Amish group. The Nebraska Amish are said to be the most conservative of the three.

After reading more about the Nebraska Amish, it answered one of many questions. That being,  what is with the different colored buggies? The Nebraska Amish have the buggies you see with the white top. They dress the most conservative. The men do not wear suspenders and their trousers are laced up in the back. The women’s clothes were influenced by that of the Quakers. When it comes to the Nebraska Amish homes, they are not allowed a projected roof.

The Byler Amish are another group of Amish mentioned by John A. Hostetler. They are easily spotted in Big Valley by the yellow topped buggies. They even carry the nickname “yellow toppers”. The men in the Byler Amish group are easy to spot in the summer, they only use one suspender. That is also a trait of the Renno Amish but the Byler Amish wear different colored shirts. The women use brown bonnets and use of tractors is allowed for belt power but not for field work.

The Renno Amish group is the third mentioned as residents of Big Valley. This group of Amish are also called Peachy Amish and you’ll see them in buggies with black tops. The also have the nickname the “black toppers”. They are more relaxed. In the homes you will often find half-length  curtains and screens. Indoor plumbing is also allowed. The men wear only one suspender and the women wear black bonnets.

Now you know a little bit more about Big Valley and the Amish communities that here. We can not say everything here is 100% fact, but we feel good about it from the research we have done. If you feel we have made an error please feel free to contact us.

In the coming weeks and months we plan to introduce you to the businesses located throughout the Valley as well as other events happening.


Ref: John A. Hostetler: Amish Society, Baltimore 1993, page 290.