Chief Logan Marker

Chief Logan Marker. Located in the Beautiful Big Valley.

A Big Valley Sign

Last week, as we do every week, we took a drive down Big Valley. We got to thinking, are there any historical landmarks around? We couldn’t think of any. Later in the week we started asking folks who grew up and lived in the valley. No one could think of even one. Soon after we returned from our drive we turned to the internet to search. Here is what we found. One. It’s located at this location, 40.67548,-77.60004.  We put these coordinates in google maps, which allows you to see a street view of the road. It did not show the sign. It’s in Brown township Mifflin County.It’s on SR 1005 (old U.S. 322), .5 mile N of Reedsville.
The question is, do you know who what or why there is a historical landmark there? If you guessed it had something to do with the Valleys rich Native American history, you would be correct. A chief you may have heard of. Especially if you are over a certain age we won’t say. The chief’s name, Logan.  According to the Pennsylvania Historical Marker Program, Logan, son of Shikellamy, and famous Mingo chief, lived in a cabin near the spring opposite of this sign. It was his home from about 1766 to 1771, when he moved to the Ohio country.

After doing a little more digging online we found this. It’s from the book Mifflin County By Forest K. Fisher. As we saw on other website this marker was placed in 1947. It tells more about the chief so we will leave that story for their book. It’s very interesting.

There is a lot of history to the chief and another historical landmark sign in Ohio where he moved on not the best terms. There is also a state park in west Virginia bears his name. Yes, Chief Logan State park.

Thanks for taking a look at our website and once the weather breaks look for a lot more. If you have an idea for a story for us you can contact us here.  Thanks!!