We found out about Stone Mountain Hawk Watch one day from a man on a motorcycle while we were taking photos. We were standing in the Valley and he pointed to a spot on top and said we needed to check it out. We did.  Here is a little more about it.

Stone Mountain Hawk Watch, located in Big Valley, Mifflin County, PA, is a popular destination for bird watchers, hikers, and nature enthusiasts. The hawk watch is situated on a ridge at an elevation of 2100 feet on the Huntingdon-Mifflin County line, providing a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape. In this blog post, we will discuss the history, location, and significance of the Stone Mountain Hawk Watch in detail.


The Stone Mountain Hawk Watch was established in 1991 and was initially located at an overlook in Rothrock State Forest. Later, in 1995, a volunteer-built platform was constructed for the watch, and it has had continuous coverage since then. The hawk watch is conducted from September 1 through mid-November, with coverage extending into December, depending on the weather conditions.


The Stone Mountain Hawk Watch is located approximately a third of a mile from a parking area along Allensville Road, a curvy and hilly but well-maintained gravel road in Rothrock State Forest. The watch is situated on the Great Eastern Trail, and the platform provides views of both Stone & Big Valley. If approaching from the west, visitors can enjoy some incredible views even before reaching the top of the mountain. The hawk watch is easily accessible, and visitors are advised to bring sun protection, and depending on the time of year, dress in layers as the weather on the ridge is often colder and windier than in the valleys.


The Stone Mountain Hawk Watch is a vital site for raptor migration research in the eastern United States. During the fall migration season, thousands of birds of prey, including eagles, hawks, and falcons, pass through this area. The hawk watch provides researchers with valuable data on raptor populations, migration routes, and behavior. Bird enthusiasts can observe and learn about the different species of raptors that migrate through the area and the importance of the Stone Mountain Hawk Watch in their conservation.


The Stone Mountain Hawk Watch in Big Valley, Mifflin County, PA, is a unique destination for bird watchers, hikers, and nature enthusiasts. The watch provides visitors with an opportunity to observe and learn about the different species of raptors that migrate through the area, and its importance in raptor conservation. The hawk watch is easily accessible and offers visitors breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. If you are interested in bird watching or nature exploration, a visit to the Stone Mountain Hawk Watch is an experience you will never forget.